Divorce Solicitors in Blackpool
Fixed fees for divorce
Super saver fee for petitioners acting in person:
£180.00 plus VAT:
What's included:
- One initial appointment.
- Drafting the petition for you to take down to court and issue yourself (you go on the court record rather than ourselves).
- Very basic support to include advising you in relation to how to apply for your decree nisi and decree absolute (but not applying for it for you).
What's not included:What's
- Assistance regarding applying for a fee exemption in relation to the HMCTS fee (court fee).
For petitioners (that is those who start divorce proceedings)
£450.00 plus VAT plus a disbursement of £550.00 being the HMCTS fee (court fee).
What's included:
- Initial attendance upon you to take instructions.
- Drafting the divorce petition and issuing the same at court.
- Preparing the application for the decree nisi following receipt of an acknowledgment of service from the respondent.
- Forwarding the decree nisi to you.
- Applying for your decree absolute and forwarding you the same once received from the court.
- General advice and assistance from petition to decree absolute.
This fixed fee will only apply to uncontested divorces with no complicating factors.
Pre-nuptial agreements
Our fixed fee is £1,750.00 including VAT
What's included:
- One initial appointment to discuss the proposed agreement.
- Advising you in relation to the proposed agreement and informing you of any further information we require.
- Preparing and drafting the agreement.
- Arranging the completion of the pre-nuptial agreement.
What's not included:
This fixed fee does not apply when there is a disagreement between the parties and negotiations are then required.
This fixed fee does not apply when the case is of a high complexity and additional reports need to be obtained.
This fixed fee does not apply when the couple's assets amount to £1m or over.
In these circumstances we will charge at an hourly rate or we will propose an alternative fixed fee arrangement.
Please telephone us on 01253 626793 Option 2.